Sunday, 31 July 2011

Your Business Mirrored In The Cloud

soVision the 1st Cloud Provider in the South West has developed a unique set of  tools that help end user organisations understand the scale of a migration journey to the Cloud. These tools assist in migrating legacy applications, and typically those old software applications that are still needed to operate your business to cloud platforms.
In a typical scenario we will closely mirror the way your existing applications work and run a proof of concept simulation with a smaller part of your data in the cloud before initiating the big switch.
soVision removes that typical barrier a lot of companies often run into by providing the tools to discover what applications your organisation has and what can be migrated over.
Using our traffic light system end users can identify which apps they want before the migration takes place. Contrary to a lot of providers that will try steering you away from using your legacy application and into buying something new.
While sometimes this may be the right choice we will not try and tell you how to best run your business. We won’t ask you to buy any software and only give you a clear solution map as to how to navigate to the cloud which very often will include your existing software.
Research conducted by Brocade has indicated that 60% of organisations expect to have started the planning and migration to a distributed – or Cloud – computing model within the next two years.
With over 15 years of experience implementing and delivering applications and business systems from the Internet we have this down to a fine tuned art.
While no one cloud migration is ever the same with our unique and consistently dependable transition process, we promise your move to the cloud will be completely smooth and painless while we lead you down the path step by step to YOUR expected outcome.

Free “Cloud Readiness” Private Consultation Will Give You The Facts
If  you  want  to  know  if  cloud  computing  is  right  for  you,  call  us  for  a  free,  no-pressure,  no-obligation cloud readiness consultation. We’ll evaluate your current situation and provide insights and options for moving to the cloud.
We’ll also answer any questions you have and tell you the non sugar coated pros and cons of choosing this option. Or Click here to send us a request from online.

soVision - Complete IT Services Provider

Professional and friendly IT Support Services to businesses across Bristol, Bath and throughout the UK responding quickly to fix all your IT problems.


Saturday, 30 July 2011

Your computer hassles can vanish magically with the Cloud…or can they?

Are you keen to move to the cloud?  Have you been tempted by the thought of reducing your IT overheads?  Are you wanting the cloud to deliver the earth?

It is true that cloud computing can offer tremendous benefits to small and medium sized businesses, delivering enterprise-style IT for a fraction of the cost. 
You can reduce your energy consumption and carbon footprint, you can ensure everything you do is accessible from everywhere you go, and you can improve your data security and disaster recovery.  You can even do all these things and save money at the same time.
But you need to be sure of what you’re doing to ensure that the move to cloud computing delivers the benefits you want rather than the problems that you don’t.
One of the things you will learn on the day is that there are really two types of cloud computing providers out there, and they will sell you two entirely different types of cloud computing solution. 
The first kind will sell you “pointed” solutions: separate deals for easy things like email, Microsoft Office, file storage or online backup.  These products are great technologies, and they are common to every business, which makes them easy to provision in the cloud. 
What these vendors won’t do is ensure that these products are integrated with your existing systems or that they are structured to fulfil the real needs of your business going forwards.
The second kind of cloud provider is know is as a cloud integrator, and it’s their job to ensure that your migration to the cloud is fully integrated with all your IT systems and business processes. 
They take a holistic approach to ensure that nothing is missed or left behind when you move to the cloud and it is this attention to detail that ensures the cost savings you need are delivered along with other benefits such as increased systems availability, improved IT performance and full accessibility anytime, anywhere.
To deliver the best possible business outcomes from cloud computing its important  to avoid cherry picking only the easy items and look at the whole of your IT as one organic system serving all your business needs.  Otherwise you could be left with somewhat irreversible and very costly mistakes down the road.
A cloud integrator has the experience to see your business as a whole, to listen to and interpret your requirements effectively and to take a hands-on approach to end-to-end implementation that leaves you with the IT systems you need.
soVision are an experienced cloud integrator based out of Bristol offering to share with you their knowledge and expertise on “Going to the Cloud”. 
To learn more come to soVision’s  free “Going to the Cloud” seminar  on the 5th of August to discover how you can avoid the pitfalls and harvest the advantages of the move to cloud computing.
Or call 0845 4503669 and a friendly member of the soVision team can get you sorted.

soVision - Complete IT Services Provider

Professional and friendly IT Support Services to businesses across Bristol, Bath and throughout the South West responding quickly to fix all your IT problems.


Friday, 8 July 2011

“Monkeys” AND “Business” – They can actually go together and in this case they do

Maybe you have seen them, and this has inspired you to visit the zoo to see their real live Gorillas?

Well, now you can, FREE, by combining business with pleasure, and attending our cloud computing seminar at the zoo on Friday 5th August. After our seminar, you are welcome to enjoy all of the sights, sounds and attractions that the zoo offers, free of charge !

Now small to medium business owners can truly declare freedom from expensive software, hardware and network upgrades by “going to the cloud” .  .  .

Unless you been hiding under a rock, cloud computing is the latest buzz from the IT industry.

An industry where the rate of change is so fast it can be hard for non-experts to keep up.  If you are a small- or medium-sized business owner you have to find the shortest route to being an expert in everything.

That is why soVision has developed its “going to the cloud” seminar.  This half-day programme will fill you in on the mysteries of cloud computing, and put you in the driving seat for taking your organisation to the next natural step in its IT journey.

The seminar, on Friday August 5th, is free, with lots of giveaways, and is targeted at business owners and chief executives who need to gain traction on the IT decisions happening in their organisation right now.  “Going to the cloud” can put you back in control of your IT, reduce your carbon footprint and save you money. To reserve your place, go to

There are things you need to consider before “going to the cloud”.  You still need the pcs, laptops, blackberries and iPads you will use to access your data.  You need great IT support for these devices and for the migration to the cloud.  You need to consider the impact on every application your business uses.  And you have to make sure that your internet connection is up to the job.

The “going to the cloud” seminar will provide you with all the information you need to plan this transition for your business at the rate that’s right for you.  We’re all “going to the cloud” at some point but, rather than floating up in a daze, if we take control we can make it the driver for business expansion at a whole new level. The company’s web site at contains additional information.

soVision - Complete IT Services Provider

Professional and friendly IT Support Services to businesses across Bristol, Bath and throughout the UK responding quickly to fix all your IT problems.